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Resources for Current Times

Resources for Adolescents, Parents, Caregivers, and Educators

Mini Be CALM Lessons

Image by sydney Rae

Identifying & Coping with Stressors


This lesson helps you to identify your top stressors, signs of stress, and preferred coping strategies. You will also have the opportunity to try a mindfulness practice for managing stress.


Image by Tim Mossholder

Fostering Connections From a Distance


This lesson will help you to identify those forms of digital technology that do and do not foster a genuine feeling of connection with others, so you can be more intentional about how to nurture more of these genuine connections.


Happy Masks

Creating Class Values and Norms for Participation


Developing shared values and norms as a class is important for creating a safe and supportive learning environment. This is especially important when educators and students are required to do things to support each other's health and well-being. This lesson plan and 11x17 Norms for Participation poster provides essential tools for establishing shared guidelines and to begin building community in the classroom.


Articles & Websites

Greater Good in Education


Greater Good in Education offers free research-based and informed strategies and practices for the social, emotional, and ethical development of students and for the well-being of the adults who work with them (including educators and caregivers). They have compiled a large number of relevant, timely resources, including lesson plans, mindfulness and gratitude practices, articles, and videos, that educators and caregivers can access for themselves and students/children

Weight Loss Essentials

Health, Wellness, and Mindfulness Resources for Home

This website is recommended by Be CALM readers Nicole and Jenae. They have found this to be a useful site during these stay-at-home times. It contains links that connect you to resources for general health and wellness, mindfulness, and fitness and exercise at home. Check it out!.

Supporting Student Safety: The 3 C’s – Communication, Consistency, Control


This article offers educators ideas about how to check in on students’ social and emotional well-being. It offers ways to think outside the box for contacting students who do not have easy or consistent access to the more convenient means of digital communication primarily being used during this period of digital education.

CASEL – Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning


CASEL is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL). They have developed a resource page and webinars dedicated to the social-emotional well-being of children and adults during Covid-19. 


Calm Together


Calm is an app for sleep, meditation, and relaxation. They have put together a collection of their favorite meditations, sleep stories, movement exercises, journals and music and made them available for free.

dr siegel.png
Transforming Pandemic Panic into Receptive Presence and Growth with Dr. Dan Siegel 


This is a live, interactive webinar made available by the Garrison Institute. Dr. Dan Siegel, who is an internationally acclaimed author, award winning educator, and renowned child psychiatrist, offers information and practices to cope with the challenges and opportunities of our present moment.

The Be CALM Program was developed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC-CH owns all rights to the program and curriculum.

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